July 6, 2017

katnip with ahsek novel

If the kittens remember, we featured a post from Ahsek a few years back when she protesting several things that piss her off such as lack of diversity in social media and print marketing, not being able to find the right bra size (she went shirtless inside a Victoria's Secret dressing room) and the double standard regarding the oversexualization of women of color just to name a few.

Well she's back with us all smiles and ready to promote her current poetry book, "Caramel" from her written series The Passion Fruit Syndrome.

"I do alot of things and I don't make excuses for myself" says Ahsek Novel

She continues with "It's funny to me that I have more fun now than when I was a teenager. You have to feel really good about yourself and treat yourself very well but only you can be the judge of that so when you reach that point of self actualization, you'll understand. Just because I like to laugh and enjoy myself and even engage in "grown folk business" with a man that I choose or because I like to wear makeup and hair extension (aka weave) does not mean that I can't be "woke" or join my comrades in fighting for social justice or that I can't speak up when I'm not happy about something [that is being done to me]...regardless of what everyone else is ok with. Everyone has something that they are passionate about and that they strive to change in the world, mine happpens to be diversity in social media. I noticed that there really wasn't enough or any women of color in the ads that my company was promoting for my our affiliates sites and if there was, they didn't look too good or they weren't equal in content or quality...just as simple as that and that sparked a movement and me launching other projects to represent and of course I used myself as an example so I got this and I'm doing this because I know better...I mean, plus I still have a "regular" job...so what?!?! If they didn't know why, there it is (smiles) focus on what makes you happy and how that will impact global change, the world is watching".

Always a pleasure Ahsek ;)

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